Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Week 3 Done - and a not so good start to Week 4

Week 3 was good

Monday, 12/19 - 30:00 run
Total time:  40:00
Total distance:  2.67 miles
Average pace:  14:58
Mile 1:  15:23
Mile 2:  14:03
Nubbin:  10:35

Wednesday, 12/21 - 30:00 run
Total time:  40:00
Total distance:  2.68 miles
Average pace:  14:52
Mile 1:  15:15
Mile 2:  14:03
Nubbin:  10:34

I did this run early in the morning since I had a physical therapy appointment at 9am.  I knew if I didn't get the run out of the way early, it probably wouldn't happen.  There were a lot of other things packing my schedule on this day.  When I got home I got to see this...
While this isn't the most spectacular sunrise I've ever seen, the contrast between the blue sky and the dark trees was striking.  I almost wish I'd been up on my roof to get a better shot.  This is taken from my back patio at about 7:00 am.

Friday, 12/23 - Easy walk
This was supposed to happen on Thursday, but my hubs came home from an extended work trip and I had to pick him up from the airport really EARLY in the morning.  Nothing much happened for the rest of that day, so I moved to walk to Friday.
Total time:  48:55
Total distance:  2.24 miles
Average pace:  21:49
The dog sure enjoyed this!

Saturday, 12/24 - 5 mile run
I went to the gym and did this run on the treadmill since it was raining.  I really don't enjoy running in the rain, especially in the winter.
Total time:  82:00
Total distance:  5.6 miles
Average pace:  14:38 (this is a calculated number since I wasn't wearing my Garmin)

So...as my title states, Week 4 hasn't started out so well.  I went out for my 30:00 run on Monday morning.  I think I left the house about 9 or 9:30.  The first mile I was feeling pretty good!  Then, disaster struck!  In midstride (at about 1.2 miles), I got hit with a charleyhorse in my left calf!  Then I had to walk home.  My total distance was 2.24 miles.  That next mile was NOT fun!  It feels much better today (thank goodness!), but I definitely hobbled around all of yesterday.  I still can't take a full stride with the left leg, but at least it doesn't hurt like it did yesterday.  Looks like I'll be biking the rest of the week.  Except for my easy walk day, although I'll assess that when the time comes.  Thank goodness this is an easy week.  My long run is only 2.5 miles this week.

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