Sunday, May 6, 2012

Vacation - Part 2

Yesterday I posted that we haven't had a real vacation in a couple of years.  That's not completely accurate.  The hubster and I haven't had a real vacation together in a couple of years, however, last year I went to DC with him.  It was a vacation for me, but he had to work.  Although he was able to take one day off while we were there and sightsee with me.

On to the second half of our vacation!  We drove down to Fort Lewis to spend a few days relaxing (more or less) before coming home.  We didn't do a whole lot while we were there, but we did go to the Port Defiance Zoo.

Look at the size of this guy!

The hubster!  He was sick this day.

Giant Porcupine

Baby leopard - they had two of them.  So cute!

What are you looking at?

The one thing I remember seeing as a young child in DC was the peacocks.  But when I was there last year I never saw any.  Imagine my surprise when I saw this guy as we were leaving the zoo!

One final treat...the one sight that people in Washington really enjoy but don't always get to see...The Lady Herself

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